Transport Ministry earns 100 crore from license data sale

Vahan and Sarathi data which comprises vehicle registration and driving license details were bought by MNCs like BMW, Mercedez, Axis Bank, etc. The total revenue earned by the ministry as per Mr. Gadkari’s disclosure in the Lok Sabha is Rs. 1,11,38,79,757.

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Thanks for posting this. Its infuriating to say the least. What gives government the right to sell data of citizens to private entities?

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We worked on this, and it is disappointing that despite advocacy that resulted in preventing any future sale, the pre-existing data which was sold was not clawed back. Here are links to our initial representation and the deficiencies we pointed out in a subsequent analysis when the sale of the database was put on hold.

A lot of this work was made possible due to the work of @digitaldutta and his post on the forum.


It’s a disappointing development for sure. @aparatbar shouldn’t there be a legal provision to reward back license holders for providing data in the first place?

I mean if we can’t stop the sale, can we have our share of the sale?

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