Financial Disclosures 2024

:money_with_wings: Financial Disclosure January 2024 :money_with_wings:

We raised Rs. 8,14,349.19 from one-time & recurring donors in January. Monthly contributions from IFF members form the cornerstone for creating lasting & significant effects in our mission to uphold digital rights.

Our expenses for last month totalled Rs 6,71,024.70. Most of this was for staff salaries & regular operational expenses. Stand up for your digital rights, help us bridge the gap between our expenses :cry:Become a member today.

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:money_with_wings: Financial Disclosure February 2024 :money_with_wings:

We received Rs. 885,551.60, of which Rs. 1,77,876.6 was received from one-time and recurring donations made by donors like YOU! Our expenses for this month were Rs. 740,750.85.
We Rs. 7,07,675 was received from UNESCO as an organisation donation.

The gap between our income & expenses persists. Presently, individual donations play a pivotal role. Help us bridge this gap?
IFF members who contribute every month lay the foundation for critical, long-term impact in our quest to defend digital rights.

All our efforts are only possible because of the consistent support of ordinary citizens like YOU. As taxpayers, you have 4 more weeks to make your tax-deductible charitable donations for the year.
Stand up for your digital rights, become a member or donate today!

In March, we received INR 7,31,630 from one-time & recurring donors, & INR 6,85,000 as organisation donations. We received the org donations from NC Media Networks (in support of the work of DPDC & MGA Lifestyle Pvt Ltd.

Our expenses for this month were Rs. 7,19,722.

In 2023, we faced a gap of around Rs. 23L between our income & expenses. We are grateful for the support we’ve received this month, but we still have a long way to go.

f you are an org. that wishes to donate to IFF, write to us at [email protected].

At a time when our freedoms seem more precarious than ever, if you value your digital rights & value our work, support IFF by becoming a member/donating today!

Exit pollsters can be non-transparent :crazy_face: but at IFF, we believe in radical transparency. That’s why we publish monthly financial disclosures and newsletters to show you the impact of your donations.

In May, we received INR 5,01,783.13 from one-time donors and members. Our expenses for the month were INR 11,40,195.34. We received no organisational donations this month.

HUGE thank you to the donors like yourself, whose unwavering support enables us to continue fighting for your digital rights.

The gap between our income and expenses is ever-widening. Help us bridge this gap by making a one-time donation or becoming an IFF member. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference. <3

We can have digital freedoms, as a little treat :lollipop:

In June, we received Rs. 4,83,621. from one-time donors, members & organizational donations from BCG & FranklyWearing. Our expenses for the month were Rs. 10,36,891 with a gap of over 5 lakhs between our income & expenses.

Help us fill the gap, our Frankly Wearing storefront has totes, tees and more to defend your digital rights in style with proceeds from the sale going to support IFF.

IFF relies on community support to keep us fighting for our digital rights. Wanna support the cause? Become an IFF Member now!