Hey Digital Rights Ninjas, we’ve an exciting update - IFF is now on Telegram!

Why should you care about IFF being on Telegram?

  • Easy access to volunteering opportunities: While you cannot send messages to this broadcast channel because we value your informational privacy, we will share any and all opportunities here, on a necessity basis. If the task sounds appealing to you, then you can message any one of us personally to take it up.
  • Share your work on digital rights: That’s not all though – if some spark of creativity and curiosity strikes you, unpredictably, then you can share your project on digital rights (writing, design, video, song) with any one of the admins. We will take a look at it, and if it doesn’t violate our community standards for engagement, then we will share it here on the channel with due credits!
  • Digital Rights Round-up: Want to stay updated on all the information and interesting stories surrounding privacy, free speech, net neutrality, and cyber-security around the world? Then, this exclusive fortnightly round-up will come in handy to tell your friends and family that digital rights constitute an urgent and pressing concern for our generation, because of so much that evades our attention but lurks in the backdrop!
  • Blogs and other chatter on digital rights: Here, you will get to read all our social media communications on expert-research and analyses in our blog-posts. You can circulate the information with the utmost ease across your social circles, as our committed and passionate Digital Rights Ninjas!

How to join the group?

If you are already an IFF Volunteer, check your emails for the link to the Telegram Channel and join us today! For those who want to become a part of our expanding community, we encourage you to join us through this volunteer sign-up form and we will share the Telegram Channel link in your inboxes soon.

A note on privacy: On Telegram, you can send messages in private groups without making your phone number visible. By default, your number is only visible to people who you’ve added to your address book as contacts. You can further modify this in Settings > Privacy and Security > Phone Number. Please also make sure that the Allow Access feature is disabled, if you don’t wish to alert the People Nearby option of the app.


Can you enable discussion on your telegram channel?

the way to do it is to go to Channel Menu → Manage Channel → Discussion → Create a discussion group → New Group and Link it to the channel.

That way the Telegrammers can reply/comment to whatever update you are posting to the Telegram channel from within the app itself.

Stupendous mission effort by your team :clap:


Hi there! It was a conscious choice on our end to make our Telegram group a purely broadcast one (for now at least).

Thank you for your feedback and liking our work. We will keep talking and writing about citizens’ constitutional rights in a digital India!