Tell us if your ISP is blocking any proxy websites or VPNs. We promise to seek remedy. #SaveTheInternet #SaveOurPrivacy

In Aria Thaker’s article for Quartz on the 8th of January, she reports on activity on India’s subreddit, where users had started a thread reporting that Reliance Jio was blocking proxy websites. This includes websites like, VPNbook, Hidester etc. - all of which are websites that allow the user to mask their location to access information on the internet when the same is blocked in their area.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hello Sir. I just completed my masters in Journalism.
I created a website about a year ago but from about the last one and half month or even more (as am busy with my studies) I am not able to open it via Airtel, from other network like BSNL it is accessible and the same is happening with my friends. Will you help me out. That, why Airtel is blocking my website, is I have done any crime, copyright violation or something else?

The link for my website. Some of us (friends) started working again on it but when we saw or hear or overself try through Airtel data it cannot be accessible, it degrades our morale to work for cause.

I hope I can get response as soon as possible.
