V for Victory! VLC Unblocked!


We have news! VLC Media Player is back!

VideoLAN’s website (from where you can download VLC Media Player) was banned in India by the Department of Telecommunications. This ban was put into place without any prior notice and without giving VideoLAN the opportunity of a hearing, which went against the 2009 Blocking Rules and the law laid down by the Supreme Court in Shreya Singhal v. Union of India. This was strange because VLC Media Player is an open-source software which is used by nearly 80 million Indians. By blocking the primary avenue for authentic downloads and updates, the ban left us all considerably less secure on the internet than we were before.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://internetfreedom.in/p/0ce2fa2a-6548-4177-8dec-43501cd282b6/