Webinar series: On the Front Lines | Rights 2.0: India's Blindspots | May 01, 2020, 6:00PM IST

On the Front Lines | Rights 2.0: India’s Blindspots with Apar Gupta


Egomonk in partnership with Rishabh Lalani is hosting a webinar series - On the Front Lines, aiming to bring forth multiple aspects of the COVID-19 situation to the general public. The webinar series includes views on public health, marginalized communities, food shortages, children and women’s rights during these times among various other topics.

Apar Gupta will be talking about privacy, surveillance and digital rights and how IFF is fighting for the digital rights of every Indian.

Date: Friday, May 01, 2020

Time: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

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